
Showing posts from May, 2017

Rideshare Redux

First off, I apologize for dropping the ball on my ride share experiment. I plan to pick it up soon but life has simply intruded. In the mean, I discovered something interesting that I misapplied in my previous posts - the .575 government rate. Seems it INCLUDES gas so to add the actual gas charges is in fact erroneous. Thus, Experiment #1, I was still underwater driving Uber, just about breakeven on Lyft. Experiment #2, technically made about $6 for two hours work. Experiment #3, still nothing to write home about. But at least I will be more accurate moving forward. At some point, I will attempt to intuit the ACTUAL cost of operating a vehicle. It strikes me that the government number is quite arbitrary as it does not address the actual vehicle used in any way. For instance, the tires on a Porsche 911 cost about $2000 and last for only 10,000 miles so it's 20 cents a mile to operate just for rubber - that's actually more than the gas! An extreme example but I'm